Meat and charcuterie companies Learning platform
More and more training in slaughter, cutting and charcuterie has disappeared in the last 20 years, at the same time the need for training is very great and the industry is in dire need of staff.
The Meat & Charcuterie Academy needed to meet the shortage of butchers and butchers in Sweden and was in need of a quality-assured education.
With experts in from the industry, Wisebee has developed an engaging learning platform and training that supports communication and learning. The digital approach increases accessibility and enables vocational training for students regardless of geographical residence and can be adapted to the specific needs of the participant and the customer companies.
The courses have a unique structure with both practical and theoretical parts and there is an opportunity for a supervisor to support the participant in all aspects. After completing the training, the participant receives a training certificate.
Target Group:
The learning platform is aimed at already employed people who want to broaden their skills, people who are changing careers within Komvux and the unemployed in the Swedish Public Employment Service’s recruitment training. The Meat & Charcuterie Academy offers three different courses: slaughter, cutting and charcuterie production.
- A learning portal that provides comprehensive digital educational material.
- Each participant gets their own learning journey designed based on prerequisites and prior knowledge.
- Teachers can see and follow the participant’s progress in the portal and after assessment, approve learning modules, subject areas and completed course.
- A responsive portal that supports various roles such as student and supervisor.
My role:
Resource Manager, design guidelines, create a logotype and quality review as the Head of Design
Client: Kött- och Charkföretagen
Category: BeeBase, CMS / LMS, Web and Application Development, E-learning, Branding
Example project URL’s:
Our film about the industry – YouTube
Learning platform
Marmorering kött – Rise
Förpackning – Rise
Hygien del 1 – Rise
Design Samples Platform

The Skills Needed for the Project
Project Manager and Production manager
UX Design
Art Director
In a prior project we made two educational books